Join the Conversation – Improving dementia care and support
We know that dementia care and support varies across Greater Manchester. Dementia United wants your help to understand individual journeys and best practice so we can reduce variation and improve people’s experience of care and support.
We’ve started a conversation across Greater Manchester to capture people’s experiences of living with a diagnosis of dementia. We want to hear about the care and support you’ve received, would like to receive, and what’s made a difference to you. By joining the conversation you can help us to improve local services and make Greater Manchester the best place to live with a diagnosis of dementia.
We were planning a series of listening events across Greater Manchester and a survey. In the light of government advice we’ve taken the decision to cancel our series of face to face events. The current national focus is on delaying the peak of the spread of Coronavirus to the summer and our top priority is to protect anyone at risk of contracting this virus.
You can still get involved – please complete one or more of our surveys
There are four separate surveys focussed on different topics. You can complete whichever survey you feel are most relevant or interesting to you. (The links below will open in a new tab.)
What’s the survey for?
An important part of Dementia United’s work has been the development of a Care Pathway. This has been written over the last year with support and input from people living with a diagnosis, carers, local dementia specialists, health care workers and policy makers.
It highlights recommendations for improving care and support across four stages of the dementia ‘Well Pathway’: Diagnosing Well, Supporting Well, Living Well, and Dying Well.
The Care Pathway aims to help people living with dementia, their carers, and people working with them, to understand and navigate what care and support is available. It brings together existing requirements and recommended best practice across the country and provides information on how they are implemented in each Greater Manchester locality.