Dementia united icon master
We’re working to make Greater Manchester the best place to live for everyone affected by dementia.

About Us

Dementia United is Greater Manchester Integrated Care’s programme for dementia.

In Greater Manchester we are working to bring the NHS, public services, and the wider community together to deliver integrated, person-centred care and support that enables people to live a good life. Our Greater Manchester programme is called `Dementia United’ because partners are united in our longstanding vision to improve the quality and experience of care for everyone affected by dementia, and to deliver this vision across the whole of the region.

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Liz and Mike (members of DCERG) smiling and sitting on a sofa in front of a large window. You can see the garden behind them
A photo showing, from left to right: Ruth Turner, Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Gill Walters, Senior Programme Manager, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Siti Norwani Binte Mohamed Hussain, Senior Occupational Therapist, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; Fiona Black, Project Support Officer, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Dr Lim Jun Pei, Consultant, Geriatric Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; Helen Pratt, Senior Project Manager, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Dr Claire Lake, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, NHS Greater Manchester; Liz Brookes, Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Professor Manisha Kumar, Chief Medical Officer, Caldicott Guardian, NHS Greater Manchester; John O’Doherty, Living with Dementia Group, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester; Joey Yeo Jiayang, Geriatric Nurse Clinician, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; Ng Wan Ring, Geriatric Medicine Advanced Practice Nurse, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; Ann Booth, Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group, Dementia United, NHS Greater Manchester


Greater Manchester’s collaborative approach to delirium attracts international attention | 21.03.25

A team of clinicians from Singapore travelled to Greater Manchester for a month-long study visit to learn how health and care services work together to improve delirium care. The city-region’s proactive, community-focused approach is helping more people receive early diagnosis and support at home, reducing hospital admissions and improving outcomes.


What we do

Our work touches every aspect of living with dementia, in every part of Greater Manchester

We have made dementia a priority through working in partnership with people affected by dementia, across all ten boroughs in Greater Manchester. We work on projects which deliver improvements to the quality and experience of care, support and wellbeing

Find out more about the work we’re doing, and how you can get involved.

See Our Work


Guides, strategies and research to help manage dementia. For informal carers, NHS workers and people living with dementia themselves.

See Resources

Get Involved

We aim to engage lived experience in all aspects of the programme

Engagement can be through existing groups and networks or directly as part of specific pieces of work. ​ Our governance structure includes lived experience contributing the vital perspectives which comes from real lived experience, both from people living with dementia and their carers. ​

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A cartoon showing a group of adults and children smiling and waving their hands above their head. The word United is above them. This is a cartoon by Tony Husband