iSupport: providing information and support for carers of people with dementia.

Now translated and adapted for use by South Asian Carers in the UK

‘iSupport is an online, self-directed, educational programme for informal dementia carers, which was originally developed by The World Health Organisation. A team at UCL has translated and adapted iSupport for use by South Asian carers in the UK, in collaboration with carers, healthcare professionals and community/carer organisations.

The course is organised into five modules:

  • Introduction to dementia
  • Being a carer
  • Self-care
  • Providing everyday care
  • Dealing with changes that might happen in people with dementia.

It’s available in English, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu  via the UCL website:

On the website you can also find downloadable posters, which provide a summary of each module.


A young man is sitting on a chair next to an older woman who is reading a newspaper. A younger woman stands behind her and has her arm round the older woman's shoulder