Our aims

We aimed to review the existing standards and develop a useful tool for localities and organisations.  We wanted to provide a vision for the future as we continue to work with partners to make Greater Manchester the best place to live for all those affected by dementia.

Why this matters

“One in two of us will be directly affected by dementia in our lifetime, either by caring for someone with the condition, developing it ourselves or both”  (

  • There are estimated to be 29,600 people with a diagnosis of dementia living in Greater Manchester (NHS Digital, 2023)
  • The number of people living with dementia in the UK is expected to reach 1.5 million by 2050 (Alzheimer’s Research UK, 2023)
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease was the leading cause of death in England in 2022 (Office for National Statistics, May 2023)
  • Up to 40% of cases of dementia are linked to modifiable risk factors (Alzheimer’s Research UK, 2023)

These standards are designed to drive quality improvement across the health and social care system.

What we’ve achieved so far

We’ve developed the Dementia and Brain Health Quality Standards which are available to download:

This involved a review of previous standards developed in 2016 and the dementia care pathway recommendations produced between 2018 and 2023 (

National policy and guidance were also considered, and the standards reflect the cross-cutting themes of the Dementia United programme; co-production with people with lived experience of dementia and carers, diversity and inclusion, and partnership working.

The standards also include a self-assessment tool for localities and organisations.

We’ve recently (July 2024) published the first edition of our new quarterly magazine. This edition focuses on our newly launched Greater Manchester Dementia and Brain Health Quality Standards: Dementia United Spotlight on Quality Standards July 2024

What’s next

Over the next year, we’ll be working with localities and organisations to support self-assessment against the Dementia and Brain Health Quality Standards and develop action plans.

The standards will next be reviewed in November 2025, with an earlier review completed if requested by the Dementia United Strategic Group.