Dementia Care Navigation Definition

Our Aims

Dementia United developed a document that defines the key standards for dementia care navigation in Greater Manchester. It sets out an agreed understanding of what help people living with dementia and carers should receive to help them identify support and services suitable for them. Dementia United’s ambition was that the principles from this definition inform commissioning of dementia advisory and navigation services.

Why it matters

Across Greater Manchester we know that there is great variability in the dementia navigation services; there were good practice examples too, that it was felt would be of value to collate and share. Dementia United recognised that there was a great opportunity to improve the current situation with the implementation of standards and principles, in to one Greater Manchester definition.

What we have done so far 

We worked in collaboration with health and care stakeholders, partners, commissioners, post diagnostic support and VCSE groups, as well as with people affected by dementia; to draft up the definition and then sought approval from Dementia United’s governance boards.

What does the definition include?

It’s a concise list of definitions and requirements for commissioners and providers of navigation services. It is intended to describe a minimum service which all localities should deliver. All the key standards should be delivered by a single service but it is not necessary that dementia care navigation should constitute the only, or even core, aspect of that service. The standards are presented as “We” statements from the point of view somebody living with dementia and their carer. The statements regard the person living with dementia and the carer as being deserving of equal treatment. The statements are their expectations for a service which provides dementia care navigation. Further information or definition is provided where helpful.

Greater Manchester Dementia Care Navigation Definition May 2021

Next steps 

We welcome feedback from commissioners, contract managers, services delivering dementia navigation; where they have taken forward the principles and standards within the definition. This will enable us to review the definition and make any necessary changes.

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