Greater Manchester Approach to Delirium

Dementia United harnessed the momentum and engagement from the World Delirium Awareness Day events in 2018 and 2019, to produce A GM Approach to Delirium.

This document outlines Greater Manchester’s position on the recommendations for a person-centred pathway for those susceptible to delirium, in all care settings, along with agreement on key standards.

There are seven key delirium standards in the Greater Manchester approach to delirium:

  1. People >65yo or who have a dementia diagnosis are provided with information on signs and symptoms of delirium and prevention measures
  2. 100% of patients >65yo or who have a dementia diagnosis that are admitted to the acute care setting/mental health are assessed for delirium using 4AT on admission
  3. Every care organisation should have a standardised pathway for assessment and management of delirium
  4. Family carers are provided with information to help support relative with delirium
  5. Evidence that non-pharmacological de-escalation techniques used before medication for agitation/distress
  6. Delirium diagnosis should be conveyed at all transitions of care
  7. All people with delirium should have multidisciplinary follow up