Chris is a highly valued member of the event’s lived experience steering group

Chris is looking forward to the Living well with Dementia event in Greater Manchester on June 6th and in his video blog talks about the importance of his voice being heard and the need for more support for people living with dementia and their carers

You can see Chris’s video blog here  Chris was diagnosed with vascular dementia two years ago when he was 47. In addition to supporting planning the event Chris has supported Dementia United’s Dementia Wellbeing Plan. He also voluntarily runs a football group for people living with dementia and their carers at Tameside Memory Service and will be helping to incorporate physical activity into a breakout session at the event.

Living well with dementia in Greater Manchester: join us, we need each other

Join us for this Greater Manchester event on June 6th 2022 and make sure your voice is heard

This event, led and organised by lived experience colleagues, Dementia United, Alzheimer’s Society and the International Longevity Centre UK plans to undertake a respectful reflection of the adverse impact of the pandemic on people affected by dementia as well as a refocus on recovery looking forward #LivingWellWithDementiaGM

Come along to make sure your voice is heard

Find out more about this event