Evaluation Report for the “Living well with Dementia in Greater Manchester: Join us, we need each other” event

We hosted this hybrid event on June 6th 2022 in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, people with lived experience, carers,  other key partners and the International Longevity Centre supported by Roche

I thought the event was fantastic and I loved being able to speak my mind. Person living with Dementia

A key aim of the event was to be a respectful reflection on the impact of the pandemic on people affected by dementia.  We  also wanted the event to be a platform to showcase good practice in dementia care and support from across Greater Manchester and the rest of the country; enabling us to look forward in order to ‘build back better’.

Over 240 people attended or virtually connected with us, and all ten Greater Manchester localities were represented

Joy Watson was a speaker at the event and a member of the lived experience steering group. She was also there in her capacity as a roving reporter from Talking About My Generation. Joy heard from key speakers and those who have had a diagnosis, to ask what life is like in Greater Manchester and what can be improved. You can watch Joy’s video, where she chats with Mayor Andy Burnham, Alzheimer’s Society Chief Executive Officer Kate Lee and attendees, capturing their reaction from the event here

Sam Illingworth, Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University, created a poem from all the feedback from the 39 pledges shared with us in the build up to the event. Sam provided a really powerful opening to a great discussion on the three key pledges that were discussed in the morning plenary.

Co-production alongside people with lived experience of dementia, ensured their voices and experiences were central to the activities and discussions in all aspects of event planning and delivery. The day would not have been the success it was, without the contribution from people with lived experience both leading up to the event and on the day itself.

Each time we have made a contribution they have been responded to, those involved have impacted on event, I feel that we have been listened to. Carer

I have contributed my knowledge from lived experience and coming from a benefits background. What I’ve suggested has been taken on board. And my self-confidence has been boosted. Person living with dementia

An example of where the Lived Experience Steering Group’s suggestions were taken forward was an ask for ‘visual minutes’ to be taken of the event. We commissioned Tony Husband (graphic illustrator); who had previously worked with  Springboard and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust in Oldham to develop the Let’s talk About Death Shall We leaflet (part funded by Dementia United). The cartoon below, was an illustration from the morning plenary session.

 Cartoon by Tony Husband

You can read more about our coproduction approach in our Evaluation report of the Living well in Greater Manchester Dementia Event on 6th June 2022. This report also contains a detailed evaluation of the event (quantitative and qualitative), feedback from people who attended and themes and priorities that emerged from the sessions. The report also outlines key priorities and areas for change along with recommendations about the value of lived experience engagement.