
Greater Manchester Directors of Public Health Visiting guidance 22 June 2020 . Socially distanced visiting for relatives and friends of those in long term care facilities for elderly or people with special needs

Alzheimer’s Society

Carers UK

  • Carers UK have a wide range of advice, resources and frequently asked questions on their website
  • Carers UK have an online forum – a community of people who know exactly how you feel. They may be strangers – at first – but you’ll be surprised how sharing an experience, a problem or just having a good old rant to a fellow carer can make a world of difference. Join the forum here

Tide Covid- 19 Hub

Tide understand and recognise the importance of our work in both connecting carers and giving a voice to carers of people with dementia. They consulted with our current members to see what would be most useful during this difficult time. This includes:

For more details on what are plans are for the immediate future you can read about out current activities here

Dementia UK

You can download the documents below.

  • MusicTherapy_WEB-3. Music and sound play an important part throughout our lives whether through listening, taking part or moving to it. We can respond to music from a very early age, before words and language are developed, and this continues even when verbal abilities are lost and/or we are at the end of our lives.
  • Sundowning-new-template-WEB. Sundowning is a term used for the changes in behaviour that occur in the evening, around dusk. This document has some tips for managing sundowning as it happens
  • The-use-of-dolls-new-style-Web. The use of life-like dolls or soft toy animals can bring great benefits to some people with a diagnosis of dementia, particularly those in later stages..
  • Aromatherapy-new-template-WEB. Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plants or essential oils to promote wellbeing through scent.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): information for families looking after someone with dementia They also provide information on the use of different techniques such as music therapy, doll therapy and the use of aromatherapy. There is information on creating a Life Story book as well as managing if the person presents with sundowning behaviour.

Rare Dementia Support and Young Dementia UK
