Free delirium webinar

This webinar will cover delirium - what it is, why it's important and how to detect it, with a particular focus on assessment and management in the community and a overview of the Greater Manchester community delirium pathway.

Dr Emma Vardy is a consultant geriatrician at Salford Royal Hospital. She’s clinical dementia lead for Salford Royal and Dementia United, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership. Dr Vardy is chair of the British Geriatrics society dementia and related disorders special interest group and chair of the North West regional group. She is deputy editor for age and ageing and has published on quality improvement and delirium. Dr Vardy is the NIHR Greater Manchester ageing theme lead promoting participation of older people in research. She is a graduate of the NHS digital academy and was lead for the Salford Global digital exemplar delirium and dementia project.

You can join the webinar here 

Please note that this webinar can reach maximum capacity quickly. If you have issues accessing the webinar using Zoom, it will always be live streamed to their YouTube channel

Greater Manchester community delirium toolkit

Two older women in a garden with trees. One is looking at the other and they both have gardening gloves on