Encouraging carers and family members to compile essential information that could prove invaluable if a vulnerable person with dementia goes missing.
The Herbert Protocol is a nationwide scheme adopted by all UK police forces with the aim of reducing the risk of harm to someone living with dementia who goes missing by enabling swift access to key information that can help the police find the person more quickly. Safe and Found Online is an online version of the Herbert Protocol and has been adopted by the police in Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, Northumbria and Cumbria. You can find more information about the Herbert Protocol – Safe and Found Online here.
Safe and Found Online have created a digital platform where families of loved ones who are living with dementia can go online to register information about their relative or loved one. The form, accompanied by a recent photograph, records vital information such as the person’s physical description, medical conditions, mobile phone number, known locations or likely places they may visit, contact details of friends, and any other pertinent historical information. You can access the online form here
In the event of someone going missing, the police can access vital information with immediate effect.
Previously, this information was stored on a paper form completed by the family or the care home of individual living with dementia. This could lead to delays in finding and accessing the information if the form couldn’t easily be located.
Whilst the preference is to ensure all relevant information is stored online, the paper form option is still be available here
Named after George Herbert, a decorated war veteran of the Normandy landings who was living with dementia. George continually went missing from his care home with officers having to locate him. Norfolk Constabulary developed the protocol to help people living with dementia who had gone missing to get back to a place of safety as quickly as possible. This originally focused on people in care homes, but in 2015 it was extended to include individuals living in their own home with dementia